Milwood United Methodist Church

Milwood UMC has been rooted in the Milwood community for over 60 years. We worship in fellowship together every Sunday with a classic experience at 10 am (choirs & organ) and The Journey (a contemporary experience with praise band) at 6 pm. We host monthly (free!) movie nights for the family, among other community events throughout the year. Join us!

3919 Portage Street, Kalamazoo, MI, United States
Primary Contact: Pastor or Office Manager
Phone: 269-381-6720

Website and Social Links:

Non Profit Status: 501(c)(3)
Currently Accepting Volunteers?: Yes

Related Categories: Adults, Animals & Pets, Children, Children & Youth, Community, Family, Infants, Neighborhoods, Religious/Spiritual/Faith Based, Seniors, Social Support & Counseling, Teens